Main Smolensk Accommodation Hotels Hotel "Patriot"

Hotel "Patriot"

Single Apartments
Single Apartments
Single Apartments
Single Apartments
Single Apartments
Single Apartments
Single Studio
Single Studio
Single Studio
Double Room (facilities for some rooms)
Double Room (with facilities)

Стоимость от 1500 руб./сутки


The hotel is located in the business centre of the city next to shops, banks, museums, cinemas, restaurants and exhibition galleries. It is a 15-minutes walk from the hotel to the centre. Comfortable location is good to get any destination of the city very fast. At your disposal: café, sauna, swimming pool, billiards, parking. There are standard-rooms, economy-class rooms and luxuries.
25% of the first day rent amount is charged for advance reservation.


Room Price
№24 3300 руб.
№15, 20, 26,30,32 3100 руб.
№14, 23 2200 руб.
№33 3100 руб.
№27а,29a, 38a, 39a 1500 руб.
№11a 25в 27в 29в 1500 руб.
№11 в 12в 34б 35б 36б 38б 1950 руб.
№31б 37б 2000 руб.
21в 22 в 28 в 1550 руб.

Extra service

Service Availability
Amenities yes
Parking yes
Internet access yes
Phone yes
Refrigerator yes
Sauna next to the hotel
Restaurant yes
Air conditioning no
TV yes
Breakfast no

Стоимость от 1500 руб./сутки



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